HAK was founded in 1952 by the Hak family in Giessen. We process and sell vegetables and legumes of which quality, transparency and proximity are always the basis. The vegetables are processed directly from the land and the seasons in the Netherlands play a major role in this, so that most vegetables are harvested and processed in the summer period.
Guided tours HAK
For several years now, HAK has been renting tour sets from Axitour for guiding groups of students and other people who are interested. Why rent? Due to different group sizes, it was always the cheapest for HAK to rent the guided tour sets.

Instruct holiday workers “remotely”
In the summer period, most vegetables come from the land, which makes it a very busy period in the factory. But in the summer period, many production workers take their vacation and that is why many temporary workers are working at the factory. These temporary workers must be instructed for their duties in the factory, where the noise level of the machines is such, that the 1.5 meters distance cannot be maintained. In order to guarantee the mutual distance, it was a logical step for HAK to contact Axitour Communication Solutions and this time to proceed to purchase a number of AXIWI sets. We need the wireless factory for several months and structurally. Axitour recommended the AXIWI AT-350 to us.
AXIWI AT-350 – wireless factory headsets
We really like the use of the AXIWI AT-350. It is very convenient to communicate directly and remotely with each other and to train people for their work. The sets are also used when several technicians have to work on a machine simultaneously, within 1.5 meters.
We will continue to use the AXIWI AT-350 even after ‘Corona time’ for training staff and guiding groups of people and, if necessary, renting additional sets.

Satisfied with Axitour Communication Solutions
We have been familiar with Axitour’s professional but above all very pleasant cooperation and information provision, for many years. The very fast deliveries (ordered one day, delivered the next day) are also very much appreciated by us.
More info about AXIWI